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The veterinarian has prescribed antibiotic treatment for my pet

hands giving medication syringe ‡ guinea pigAntibiotic treatment to combat bacterial infection or to prevent a bacterial superinfection.

Just as in humans, an unreasoned use of antibiotics can cause the appearance of phenomena of resistance and, Therefore, inefficiency of these molecules during further processing.


Certain rules must be followed to avoid these drawbacks:




Observe the duration of treatment


consult-dogEven if your pet symptoms disappear very quickly after antibiotic treatment, It is necessary to properly administer the drug for the duration recommended by your veterinarian.


Indeed, one too short treatment will not allow the destruction of all of the bacteria responsible for the disease. The remaining bacteria will be able, not only, cause one relapse shortly after stopping the treatment but also "learn how resist"to this antibiotic.

Follow the rhythm of the antibiotic administration


Each antibiotic is during a definite duration and a well-defined dose. It is necessary especially not Dec yourself the doses administered: in this case, the destruction of bacteria will be not complete and, There still, one relapse may occur very quickly, just like a resistance treatment.


If you forget a dose of antibiotic administration, It is acting only for a definite period, It is pointless to double the dosage during the following administration, on the contrary, This could cause an overdose (for example, If you forget to administer the tablet in the morning for an antibiotic to administer all the 12 hours, Repeat the treatment at usual doses the evening)

Do not hesitate to seek advice from your veterinarian if in doubt.

Follow boards


Certain antibiotics may be taken either during or outside meals. But for others, We have to follow the instructions. Indeed, some drugs that must be taken on an empty stomach lose their effectiveness if they are absorbed during a meal. On the other hand, some products must be taken during meals to reduce the side effects for example digestive may cause.





Should be familiar with antibiotics before treatment:

– Human specialties can be used in pets but the dosages are sometimes very different from those used in humans. A lack of efficacy of treatment or worse serious overdose could occur.


– Certain medications interact between them:


Sometimes two antibiotics or antibiotic and another medicines will have an antagonistic action (a drug significantly reduces the effect of the second). The action of the antibiotic will be significantly reduced by the other molecule and treatment can become ineffective. On the contrary, certain molecules will increase the effectiveness of the antibiotic and an overdose can occur.

Always remember to well specify your veterinarian drugs that already receives your pet so that it can prescribe antibiotic medication-compatible.

– Certain antibiotics, tolerated well by most animal species, are toxic in other species. This is the case, for example, oral penicillin that cause the rabbit of the serious digestive intolerances or even fatal.





– Different bacteria can cause identical symptoms:


Former treatment that allowed the animal healing will therefore not necessarily effective in another case, even if the disease seems perfectly identical to the previous.

– In some chronic diseases, samples shall be carried out by


your veterinarian to detect the bacterium responsible for the disorders and antibiotics capable of eliminating it (realization of antimicrobial susceptibility testing).

Having begun antibiotic treatment prior to the veterinary consultation and sampling could skew the results and make the difficult diagnosis.

– A liquid or an antibiotic ointment may lose its effectiveness when it is already started and bacteria will be able to contaminate the tip after some time. Better is worth so throw away any remaining vial or tube launched.




Antibiotic treatment is not harmless. For all the reasons listed above, It is inadvisable to put it in place without medical advice. The issuance of this type of drugs also requires an order. Furthermore, always remember to well specify your veterinarian drugs that already receives your pet so that it can prescribe antibiotic medication-compatible.


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