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Presentation of the FERRET

The ferret is a domestic animal. The female weighs between 600 and 900 g and the male between 1 and 2 kg. Its life expectancy is 5 to 11 years.

Affectionate and playful, the ferret is a pet that can be kept in cages, with some outlets freely in the house. The cage should be large, if possible floor, and placed away from drafts. It can be covered with wood chips and must contain a clean corner for distribution food (Specific kibble for ferrets), a corner reserved for needs (Ferrets are sometimes used to the cat litter) and space sleep (hut, hammock, pull-over).

Beware though the objects that young ferrets can shred and swallow. A ferret with prostrate and vomiting can be reached occlusion by foreign bodies and must be treated urgently by a veterinarian.

Ferrets can reproduce from 8-12 months for males and 7-10 months for females. The last breeding season from December to August. After a gestation 42 days, the female gives birth to 2 to 12 small. She would nurse them for 6 to 8 weeks.

Attention, if a ferret is not to breeding with a male, it is important to make sterilize, because of the serious risk of anemia associated with repeated heats without mating.

Early sterilization (about age 6-8 month) males as females also possible to limit the development of glands on the skin, responsible for the unpleasant smell of the animal.

Every year, it is necessary to vaccinate ferrets against distemper, disease most often fatal.

If you want more information about FURET, do not hesitate to tell us about.