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Cat-Scratch Disease

The Cat-Scratch Disease is a zoonosis, that is a communicable disease from animal to human beings. It is caused by the presence, in the body of the person infected, a bacterium called Bartonella henselae.

How this disease is it spread?

Contamination cat

The chips are responsible for the transmission of the bacteria from one cat to another:
By pricking a cat carrier Bartonella, a chip ingest blood containing the bacterium.
The bacterium then reproduces in his gut. For its droppings, the chip will then infect other cats coat.

They will contaminate their claws and mouth, scratching or making their toilet.

Cats carrying Bartonella henselae do not present any symptoms.

The transmission of the bacteria to humans

An infected cat will pass the bacteria, has on its claws or in its mouth, in biting or clawing a human.

What are the symptoms associated with the disease in humans?

The cat-scratch disease is mainly encountered in children and young.

  • Most often, it is a disease relativelybenign among healthy people. The typical form is accompanied by the following symptoms:

– At the beginning (about 1 to 2 weeks after the bite or scratch), a small swelling appears on the skin of the infected person, followed by a crust.
– This skin lesion disappears generally 2 to 4 weeks after the bite or scratch, but a ganglion, located close to the starting lesion, becomes reaction.
Healing occurs, most often, spontaneously 6 to 12 month.

  • D’other forms the disease can still declare themselves as:

– Ocular involvement: the patient suffers, in this case, various eye disorders like conjunctivitis, swelling of the eyelids and an increase in size of lymph node prétragien. These abnormalities regress 2 to 3 weeks.

– Widespread damage: The cat scratch disease causes high fever while, significant fatigue, loss of appetite, skull aches and abdominal pain. These lesions disappear in several months or years (the establishment of an antibiotic treatment speeds healing).

– more rarely, neurological impairment may occur. It is accompanied by prostration, appearance of convulsions, or mental confusion. There still, the evolution of the disease

  • Finally, the cat-scratch disease is much more severe in immunocompromised individuals:

Indeed, then the bacteria proliferates throughout the body of the patient triggers a high fever, nausea, vomiting and achievement of all organs: foie, rate, lungs, the nervous system, coeur…

What are the means to fight against Disease Cat scratch?

Respect basic hygiene rules limits the risk of contamination by bacteria: It should thoroughly wash their hands after contact with a cat and thoroughly clean any bite or scratch with water and soap and then with an antiseptic solution

The disease is transmitted between cats through flea, it is also essential to implement the cat, very regularly, one Flea treatment effective.

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