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Chronic kidney disease in the dog and cat

hungry catThe kidneys are two organs in the abdominal cavity and whose main role is the detoxification and elimination of nitrogenous wastes in the urine.

They also play a role in blood pressure regulation and homeostasis (maintaining the Ionic balance in the blood).

Finally, they secrete a hormone called erythropoietin needed to replenish red blood cells.


With age, kidneys can undergo alterations and becoming defaulters. It is estimated that when the symptoms of kidney failure appear, the 3/4 the kidneys are no longer functional !

Chronic kidney failure is frequent dogs and even more cats. This is unfortunately a common cause of death in older animals.





Symptoms of chronic kidney disease appear gradually.

There is generally a weight loss, one loss of appetite, one binge drinking and urination (called polyuropolydipsie), one abatement, of digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea).

Kidney failure can cause hypertension can itself generate eye or heart disease lesions.

Coagulation disorders (bleeding), and muscle weakness may also occur.

When kidney failure is advanced, there is often in cats and sometimes in the one dog anemia concomitant.





Tubes hemolysisAfter examining the animal, the vet confirmed the diagnosis of kidney failure through Blood tests that can highlight a increase in blood urea and creatinine levels.


Other blood abnormalities are often observed as an increase in phosphorus, anemia…

Following these analyzes, other additional tests may be needed, such as analyzes of urine, Ultrasound, taking blood pressure.

These reviews will know the extent of injury, to adapt the treatment and give a prognosis.





young veterinary woman who makes an infusion a black catWhen a dog or cat is "Uremic crisis" (and very sudden increase marked urea), Veterinary generally recommended hospitalization and intravenous fluids.


One chronic renal failure requires Long-term treatment, based in part on sanitary measures, including the use of a targeted supply. One specific power is indeed essential : it will preserve kidney function maximally.

Oral treatments are also often required, especially in cases of anemia or hyperphosphatemia.




As for heart disease, the earlier the diagnosis of kidney failure is established early, the better the prognosis.

The best solution is to make a regular screening of this disease through blood tests your veterinarian. According to your pet's age, This screening can be done once or twice a year, or more for dogs and cats predisposed.


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