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What diseases vaccinate your cat ?

Typhus (or panleukopenia)
Contagious disease caused by a virus resulting in a severe gastroenteritis (vomiting and diarrhea), and progressing to death in 90% cases in kittens.

The disease spreads very easily, the virus is very resistant in the environment. It has become rare in France now, thanks to vaccination.

It is one highly contagious respiratory disease resulting in a cold and conjunctivitis causing sneezing, watery eyes and cough. It can also be accompanied by loss of appetite and sometimes cause oral lesions (ulcers on the tongue).
Coryza can lead to respiratory or ocular sequelae and in extreme cases progress to animal death. This disease is very frequented, represents approximately 90% the cat's respiratory diseases. Cats of all ages and races are affected, regardless of their sex.
This disease is caused by viruses. The most common are the Calicivirus and’herpes virus (called feline rhinotracheitis virus
Even if the cat heals symptoms, it may remain buoyant and viruses continue to infect other cats.

La chlamydiose
bacterial disease, contagious resulting in conjunctivitis sometimes accompanied rhinitis and occasionally pneumonia. This disease may in some cases progress to death. Chlamydia cat seems to be exceptionally transmitted to humans as a mild conjunctivitis.

Feline leukemia
It is caused by a retrovirus, feline leukemia virus (FelV abbreviated Anglo-Saxon) resulting mainly tumors and immunosuppression will move gradually.
Contamination of cats can be by saliva (if bitten or licking), via shared litters, by nose contact nose and the mother's milk during nursing kittens. The transmission can occur also during gestation.
Mistakenly called “Page you chat”, this is the most common disease of this species. This disease affects exclusively the cat, it is not transmissible to humans. There are very simple blood tests to perform to check if the cat is infected with the virus. Vaccination against feline leukemia is one of the great progress of the current feline medicine. It is possible from the age of 9 weeks.

The “Page you chat” is due to another virus, IVF (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), close FelV. FIV is not transmissible to humans. In the same way as for humans, it does not currently vaccine exists to prevent this disease. The transmission of this virus is mainly through bite, during fights. As for FeLV, there are simple blood tests achievable by your veterinarian to screen a FIV infection.

Rabies is a contagious disease, transmissible to humans. It results in nervous disorders necessarily leading to death. It is subject to strict health monitoring that requires vaccination for all cats living in the infected area. It is also mandatory for cats introduced at a campsite or a holiday resort, in case of import and usually when exporting (check with the embassy of the country of export), for cats introduced in Corsica or in the DOM.