The veterinarian has prescribed antibiotic treatment for my pet
Antibiotic treatment to combat bacterial infection or to prevent a bacterial superinfection.
Antibiotic treatment to combat bacterial infection or to prevent a bacterial superinfection.
Puberty is an appointment in the life of your companion. It provides control of the growth stage, appraisal of the dental condition, an audit and an adaptation of the vaccination status, assistance in the behavioural development of the puppy or kitten.
Blood is the most known biological body fluid. A dog has 90mL of blood per kg, or 1.8L for a dog 20kg. A cat has 75 mL of blood per kg, either 300mL for a 4kg cat.
The comprehensive health annual review is an opportunity to take stock of the care for your pet when it gets older.
The year-end holiday season may present a dangers sometimes unsuspected for our pets : FIR, set designer, ornamental plants… are risk of injury, of intoxication, or accidents that can be often avoided with knowledge of these risks.