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My cat has runny eyes…

Why the eye flows ?

A red eye, glued eyes, tearing, swollen eyelids are all calling symptoms of eye problems in cats.
There is talk of tearing or "watery eyes" when there is a flow of tears at the inner corner of the eye or when the tears are overflowing eyelids.
Tearing can reach one eye or both eyes. The secretions can be clear like water, or thick and purulent.

What are the possible causes of these abnormalities ?
What if my cat exhibits these symptoms ?

My cat vomits time to time, it's normal, non ?

Vomiting are symptoms frequently encountered in cats.

They can be observed as acute (sudden appearance and limited time) or chronic form (regular vomiting, more or less frequency and lasting in time).
The causes of vomiting are many ! Some are benign, but others can be serious and should not be neglected.
Many cats who vomit 2 to 3 once a month and who have no other symptoms.

Maybe you ask yourself "Is it normal that my cat vomit ? ”, "When should I be concerned ?”, "Should I consult a veterinarian ?”.
Here are some answers ...

Mutation of the MDR1 gene: Do track your dogs!

What sensitivity drug MDR1 ?


The administration of certain drugs, even normal dose, leads to neurotoxicity in dogs with drug susceptibility genetic.
Indeed, when the MDR1 discomfort (MultiDrug Resistance) is mutated, the corresponding protein (MDR1-PGP), whose function is to expel toxic molecules outside the central nervous system, is inactive. It can not then fulfill its function of neuroprotective.


What breeds concerned ?