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Mutation of the MDR1 gene: Do track your dogs!

What sensitivity drug MDR1 ?


The administration of certain drugs, even normal dose, leads to neurotoxicity in dogs with drug susceptibility genetic.
Indeed, when the MDR1 discomfort (MultiDrug Resistance) is mutated, the corresponding protein (MDR1-PGP), whose function is to expel toxic molecules outside the central nervous system, is inactive. It can not then fulfill its function of neuroprotective.


What breeds concerned ?

Variant of Hemorrhagic Disease of the Rabbit, vaccines available to the veterinary clinic.



The RHD (RHD – Rabbit Haemorragic Disease) is a rabbit disease for which no treatment is effective. This disease does not affect guinea pigs.


The causative virus is highly resistant in the environment (4 months in the droppings contaminated by a sick rabbit!)
Transmission of the disease occurs from rabbit to rabbit, but also through the contaminated greenery. Apparently biting insects can also carry the virus.

As this virus remains virulent in the droppings of infected rabbits during 4 month, it is entirely possible to infect a remaining rabbit apartment by purchasing hay contaminated by droppings from wild rabbits or related feed.

The disease develops in 24 hours and rabbit dies quickly (bleeding from the trachea, lungs, intestines…)

PARASITISM : the management starts now !


Parasitism requires that starts Management from making the grass.
It impacts the growth of young and production of your herd, dairy or nursing.

The animals start coming out to pasture ... The larvae of parasites that have withstood the vagaries of winter weather awake ... Those of strongyles will be ingested by cattle and cause a resumption of parasitic cycles. These cycles have a duration becomes shorter as the ambient temperature will be around 22-23 ° c


The fly population resumes growth.


The multiplication of cycles strongyles causes lesions of the digestive tract including the abomasum. This results in reduced appetite, decreased grazing time, which impacts milk production and growth of youth.





The flies are responsible for a discomfort reducing ingestion and welfare of animals.
Keratitis can occur causing treatment and sometimes sequelae.



Optimizing the performance of your herd through a parasite control for all groups of animals.

Your veterinarian has skills and tools to help you achieve your goals :

  • Decrease in parasite burden and development of immunity on young cattle,
  • Estimation the level of your first-time immunity, and the need for monitoring or pest control
  • Adjusting your driving livestock grazing and your treatment

The parasite control is essential to achieve your performance goals and profitability of your workshop. We are here to advise a strategy against parasites, adapted and customized to your flock.


We also remind you that prevention on-fly infestation through a mastery of their population early in the year.




We remain at your disposal for any request for additional information.


L'équipe du vétérinaire Kreiz Breizh

I monitor my heart animal.


  • What RRS?

This is the Rhythm Breathing during sleep.
This is probably the most sensitive of the occurrence of pulmonary edema or pleural effusion in dogs and cats indicator
This is a technical monitoring at home very useful to achieve.




It is recommended in two situations :

when the diagnosis of heart failure has been laid (and is now controlled)

when heart condition exists and can progress to heart failure in the future.


  • How to do?

No veto without peasant.





A few days ago, arriving at the clinic, we found this on our front.
















We are fully aware of the seriousness of the problem, and solidarity your claims.


What do the vetoes in Rostrenen to help their farmers? They are not a wait or inactive.

We have made great efforts since the crisis 2009 on drug prices, and it's not for nothing that farms that were supplied to far long back to provide home.

Beyond this drug selling business, we also looked for what we needed to do to be able continue to exercise our real job : work on farms ...


With as main issue :

What role can the vet in the profitability of dairy farms?


This analysis is based on the study Institute of Livestock " technical and economic benchmarks of corn-grass farm " in 2012.


Firstly it is clear that if the milk is not paid, all efforts in breeding quickly become hopeless.

Currently, the French system holds the vise by breeders 3 main ways :

  1. the price pressure exerted by supermarkets
  2. the profitability requirement to short-term financial groups which buy milk from farms
  3. standards, very restrictive.

As long as nothing is done to change that, any improvement in profitability of farming will be captured and thus we return to the same point for the breeder.

The vet can not much to this fact. This fight is over labor and policy that technical.



On the other hand :

  • first observation

veterinary fees are 5 to 14 euros 1000 liters following farms, either 9 euros on average

  • second observation

food costs represent 210 euros by 1000 liters (crop crop storage-buying-mechanization (operation, loans, interview)-employee work-work by the company)

  • third observation

Unlike gross margin between two farms may represent up 80 euros the 1000 liters

  • And finally, selling milk represents 88% the money returned the milk shop


Conclusion : the post “feed efficiency” (= Quantity of milk sold per kg of dry matter distributed) represent by far the largest share of the economic result for the milk shop.
So on this we think we can help our farmers to make efficiency savings.

This is why our vet clinic offers
Service improvement and monitoring of raw milk margin workshop, based on 2 years of development of our global tracking method.

From our studies and experience, it seems that:

  1. In Central Brittany, without investing, a farm 50 or 100 cows may have a production cost (to the 1000 liters) less than a well-managed farm 500 cows.

  2. In Central Brittany, without investing, working on feed efficiency and food costs, all farms are above the upper current quarter.

  3. All this is going in the same direction: cows in better health (less veterinary expenses), less unnecessary reforms, less use of drugs (less veterinary expenses), a milk best quality for consumers, lesser environmental impact, job more serene for farmers.



The clinic launched 2015 a cycle of 4 information meetings in its area of ​​activity :

The milk shop : veterinary approach


the first meeting was held in the Plouguernevel 24 November 2015 with 20 present on farms 40 guests.

-the second will be held in Locarn Thursday 25 February 2016

-the third will be held on Paule sector

-the fourth will be held on the area of ​​Silfiac



We did not wait for the crisis, anger (understandable) breeders, neither these tags, to ask questions and put in place measures, and services, could help our farmers (the extent of our possibilities).

If you want to react to this, or if you have questions, you can do this by clicking right here.