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The kitten food

In the normal condition of livestock, a kitten is sucking its mother's milk. During the first two days the breast secretes colostrum, rich in gamma globulins (antibodies), giving the kitten an immunity at the beginning of his life.

Vaccinating your cat

Vaccination is designed from protect an animal from a disease usually viral or bacterial origin. This is the best way to fight against infectious diseases, recognized and applied universally, both in human medicine and veterinary medicine. Thanks to systematic vaccination programmes, one can hope to eradicate certain diseases as was smallpox in humans in 1981.

In the dog and cat flea

Your pets are exposed to many internal or external parasites. Among these external parasites, fleas are most frequently encountered.

These fleas in dogs and cats are blood-sucking pests that bite to feed on the blood of your pet. When this blood meal, the flea injects a small amount of saliva that can trigger significant allergies in some sensitive animals.