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Medicine and surgery General

Our veterinarians move holdings to perform routine care for cattle:

Medical consultations

– milk fever

– lameness,

– ketosis


Our analysis at the Clinic Laboratory allows us to bring you a faster diagnosis.


– cesarean section

– operations of the abomasum

– belly button surgery



– pregnancy ultrasound

– control of uterine involution

– calvings

– reversal of matrix



We also insure it
health monitoring: realization of the prophylaxis, health assessments of livestock (BSE), etc…

In case of emergency, You can call anytime: opening hours, an auxiliary will respond and a veterinarian will come more quickly in your operation. And outside these hours, your call will be diverted directly on the phone's on-call veterinarian.

Thus, We provide a continuity of care 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.